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Uncovering the Misconceptions of Breastfeeding

By DocSmart 23rd August 2023





health myths

women health

A list of unanswered questions about breastfeeding from a new mother is provided below. We hope it will help a lot of people.

Emotions and advice are in flux upon becoming a mother. Women who are expecting receive a tonne of advice, which leaves the poor woman baffled. The worst-case scenario is that this unwanted advice continues after it is given. After giving birth, the mothers were affected harder by the messages' rocket. How can you breastfeed? How frequently should I feed the baby? All mothers are tired of hearing statements like, "Your kid is often fussy, you should feed him frequently.   
Therefore, we have listed important information to keep in mind in this article in order to eliminate common misconceptions regarding breastfeeding. 

Top 10 Myths Busted On Breastfeeding 

A list of unanswered questions about breastfeeding from a new mother is provided below. We hope it will help a lot of people.

  1. I just become a mother; what kind of nutrients should I consume while nursing? 
    The following should be considered: Foods that increase milk production include lactational cookies, dried coconut, fennel seeds, garlic, oats and sesame seeds. Eat a healthy, balanced diet.
    Breastfeeding moms should increase their intake of foods high in vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamine, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and iodine. Both new mothers and their infants will benefit from dietary supplements. 

  2. Why is breast milk referred to as "Golden milk"? 
    Shortly after giving birth, your breast milk is sticky and yellow. A form of milk generated in the first week following delivery is known as colostrum. Because of its rich protein, vitamin A, and anti-inflammatory content, colostrum is an essential defence against infant infection. It can be used to treat congenital diseases, leukaemia, respiratory infections, and diabetes. It supports the infant's enhanced cognitive development. Breast milk contains vitamin C, which supports a stronger immune system and thus increases disease resistance. The breastfeeding woman requires an additional 500 kcal for the first six months of lactation; however, during the subsequent six months, she only requires 400 kcal. If you eat a balanced diet, you may manage your weight while nursing.

  3. How Do I Get Rid of Sore Nipples?
    Alternate breastfeeding positions are another option, in addition to making sure your baby is latching properly. Take some breast milk that has been manually expressed and apply it to your sore nipples. After nursing, let your nipples air dry. Avoid tight-fitting shirts and bras, and wear a soft cotton shirt. 

  4. What are the most important things to keep in mind while breastfeeding?
    a) Drink plenty of water, milk, fruit juices, and foods like beans, lentils, fish, and fowl.
    b) As your energy needs rise, increase your consumption of food that satisfies all of your nutritional needs.
    c) Avoid eating as many empty-calorie foods as possible.
    d) Consume lactation biscuits.
    e) Get enough rest, and nursing on both sides will increase milk supply.
    f) Eat a diet that is adequately balanced.
    g) Consult a lactation consultant for further information.

  5. How can I control my weight after giving birth?
    a) After giving birth, many women begin eating unhealthily. The newborn depends on the mother for sustenance for the first six months following birth. So eating a healthy diet is essential for ladies.
    b) Breastfeeding for six months or longer will aid in weight loss.
    c) Increase the consumption of foods high in fibre, such as apples,broccoli, peas, brown rice, barley, beans, and chickpeas.  pears, plums, berries and legumes, 
    d) Manage with a diet high in calories as your baby depends on you for nutrients. Start with fad diets later. A balanced diet will also aid in the production of more breast milk. 
    e) Limit your carbohydrate consumption.
    f) Workout.  Remain active.
    g) Stay hydrated and steer clear of junk food.

  6. What superfoods are best for boosting milk production? 
    a) Coconut aids in boosting milk output. eat sweets and coconut laddoos.
    b) Fennel seeds lessen gas and colic while increasing milk production.
    c) Increase your consumption of leafy green veggies.
    d) Oatmeal aids in constipation prevention and is a terrific source of energy.
    e) A balanced diet both during pregnancy and after to increase breast milk production
    f) The amount of protein needed during lactation is minimal, but if energy levels are inadequate, protein will be used to produce energy.
    g) A decrease in protein will result in a decrease in casein.

    h) The casein protein gives the newborn calcium and phosphorus. Include fish, eggs, and milk in your diet as a result.
    i) Milk production will increase when the infant nurses more frequently. 

  7. Can a breastfeeding mother get a vaccination against Covid 19?
    Yes according to ICMR guidelines every breastfeeding mother should get a jab of the Covid 19 vaccine. 

  8. Is breastfeeding unbearable?
    Breastfeeding should not be uncomfortable, although there may be initial discomfort as mom and baby get the hang of it.

  9. How can I tell if my baby is eating enough?
    A breastfed newborn baby should nurse at least 10-12 times per day. 

  10. I have Covid 19 (a disease). Will my kid still be breastfed?
    Less evidence supports the theory that mothers' milk can spread the coronavirus, claims the WHO. So, as long as they follow the ICMR's rules, new mothers can nurse their infants. The mask should be worn by nursing mothers before giving the baby any food. Before touching your infant, wash and disinfect your hands. Don't hang around or gather. You control your baby's safety. To the same, keep your distance in social situations. If you have any questions regarding this, consult your doctor. 

Even if nursing is a superpower, the road is not simple. As breastfeeding is a right for every child, encourage moms to do so.


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