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Why are cancer cases on the rise in India?

By DocSmart 30th August 2023



cancer in india


cancer cases in india

National Cancer Registry Programme

National Cancer Registry Programme Report

Cancer cases in India are likely to increase to 15.6 lakhs by 2025 — a 12% increase from currently estimated cases — based on current trends.

The report also found that in 2020, tobacco-related cancers are estimated to contribute to 27.1% of the total cancer burden, and the highest in the north-eastern region of the country. The other common cancers included gastrointestinal tract cancers and breast cancer. Cancers of the lung, mouth, stomach, and esophagus were the most common cancers among men. Cancers of the breast and cervix uteri were the most common cancers among women, the report said.

So why is it that cancer cases are continuously rising in India? Here are some of the key reasons –

1) Tobacco abuse – India is home to 12% of the world’s smokers. In addition to this, Tobacco abuse in other forms is also widely prevalent in India. There is a clear absence of awareness and urgency around the health risks associated with tobacco abuse.

2) Late diagnosis – While signs of cancer may be visible early on in an individual, they are often not taken very seriously until cancer advances. A health care practitioner has a better chance of treating cancer if it is detected early. Since people do not openly communicate with healthcare practitioners on a regular basis, in the majority of cancer cases leading to death, the cancer is detected only at an advanced stage. This needs to change. People need to be engaged in a continuous dialogue with their medical practitioners.

3) Pollution – The onus of keeping our surroundings clean is on all of us as a society. It is reported that over 15% of lung cancer cases are observed in individuals who never used tobacco. Exposure to pollution and second-hand smoke is the reason behind this.

4) Poor lifestyle choices – Unhealthy eating and a sedentary lifestyle are as big contributors to cancer as any. We need to understand the value of a proper healthy diet, abstinence from alcohol, and regular exercise.


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